Monday, February 23, 2009

Ring a ding ding ding dong (my head's ringin')

**update** problem solved! =)

In 2 months and 13 days (yes, that soon) I will be exchanging vows with Marcos. The marriage thing... a piece of cake (ha.) but the wedding budgeting thing... a pain. I am trying to do this wedding on a friendly budget but I want to invite more people than I can. So, I spend moments racking my brain on who can be nixed from my list. Some really dear people, that I would love to have there, aren't making the cut. Do I nix chair covers and a DJ or invite my old dance teacher and possibly even a friend from high school that I don't really keep in contact with anymore?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

babies babies babies!!!

In the last week I've had the opportunity to photograph my favorite species on earth... babies.

My nephew, Brody, is so cute and I want to photograph him so badly but he hates my camera!

Kaylee, Brody's friend, is a doll. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I hope mine look just like her.

Brady (not to be confused with Brody) is the newest addition to my huge family. Weighing in at a whopping 8lbs. 15oz., he's a keeper!!

dear diary (fellow bloggers?)

I have written three posts. They all seem silly. So I keep clicking delete. I have no idea where this blog is going or its purpose. I guess I want it to be some sort of time capsule, a sort of scrapbook to my life and the one I'm creating with Marcos.

p.s. this is no good for my o.c.d.