Tuesday, July 7, 2009

the cup of life

it was a cold day. the sun wanted to shine (it was stuck between clouds). i told myself to get up anyway. i smelled coffee. i love that smell (my sister reminded me that i did). she told me to have a cup. it's been too long and i'm afraid my teeth will yellow again, i said. she told me to just trust my crest white strips and sip. so i did. i made my way to my computer, took another sip, and set my cup down. browse ebay, she persuaded. i browsed. there's a lot of of inventory here. how can i just pick one? so i put several interesting pieces into my "items i'm watching" bin. hey, this one looks promising. i made my way to the link titled "place bid." this is a big commitment.............. my coffee is getting cold. it's really good and if i let it get cold i'll have to throw it out. so i take a gulp and watch the few coffee grounds that escaped the filter flow toward my lips. should i drink all of it? even if this isn't the perfect cup? it's too good... what the hell. drink it all. i put my cup down and decide not to place my bid. instead, i'm going to "buy it now." (i don't want to risk being outbid) click. wait for it. wait for it. I WON! (metaphorically speaking) 11:11