Wednesday, June 8, 2011

35 weeks

I'm 35 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 35 Weeks 1 day (34 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a large cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 25 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I finally went shopping and I was pleasantly surprised at the pants at Motherhood Maternity in Cerritos Mall. I found three pairs!! Also, I made sure to buy shirts that I can wear after I have the baby, too.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: The baby gets the hiccups at least twice a day. At first, I found it so thrilling. Now, I find it a little bit annoying. =)
Sleep: I am feeling so much better from my cold and back to sleeping so good. I wake once a night to use the restroom and I sleep great the rest of the night. I am most comfortable on my right side even though the doctor recommends sleeping on the left.
What I miss: DIET COKE! I did fine the first couple of trimesters without it, but I'm dying for a gallon of it (specifically from McDonald's soda fountain, as soon as he's born).
Cravings: I am having my best friend, Kim, do some food truck research to find out where and when I can get another pulled pork grilled cheese sandwich.
Symptoms: I feel like I'm peeing constantly during the day and I have heartburn pretty badly if I eat something spicy. My ankles have also officially disappeared.
Best Moment this week: The baby is head down and in position for delivery. Everything looks good for a vaginal birth and that makes me so happy!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

33 weeks

I'm 33 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 33 Weeks 1 day (48 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a honeydew melon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 22 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I finally went shopping and I was pleasantly surprised at the pants at Motherhood Maternity in Cerritos Mall. I found three pairs!! Also, I made sure to buy shirts that I can wear after I have the baby, too.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: The movement of the baby has changed since the last time I blogged and I'm really enjoying it. I can still feel him kick and hiccup, but I can also feel him shift positions and I love when he pushes his back or butt out and part of my stomach gets hard and I pat on that area knowing that I'm tapping the baby.
Sleep: I've slept crappy since Saturday night, but I came down with a cold and I'm hoping that that's the only reason I'm waking up constantly.
What I miss: DIET COKE! I did fine the first couple of trimesters without it, but I'm dying for a gallon of it (specifically from McDonald's soda fountain, as soon as he's born).
Cravings: I just went to my first food truck fair and I had a grilled cheese and pulled pork sandwich that was delicious. I've been dreaming about it ever since... 
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, my feet swell when I'm on them too much, and my gums are more sensitive (all of these symptoms and I still love being pregnant).
Best Moment this week: I had my first of three baby showers. It was thrown by my family and was so organized and sweet. I had a wonderful day, and I can't wait to celebrate with Marcos' family and our friends in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

30 weeks

I'm 30 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 Weeks 4 days (66 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 19 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I finally went shopping and I was pleasantly surprised at the pants at Motherhood Maternity in Cerritos Mall. I found three pairs!! Also, I made sure to buy shirts that I can wear after I have the baby, too.
Gender: It's a boy!
Movement: Some days the baby is quiet and others, like yesterday, he can be very active and fun to play with. Marcos had a blast last night feeling him move, and I enjoy the little phrases that he says as the baby wiggles and kicks.
Sleep: I've been sleeping good. However, for the past week, my bladder decided that it was once again ready to wake me up, like clockwork, every night to use the restroom. I don't really mind being woken up, except now it's a little more difficult to get out of bed...
What I miss: DIET COKE! I did fine the first couple of trimesters without it, but I'm dying for a gallon of it (specifically from McDonald's soda fountain, as soon as he's born).
Cravings: Drumsticks without peanuts
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, my feet swell when I'm on them too much, and my gums are more sensitive (all of these symptoms and I still love being pregnant).
Best Moment this week: Marcos and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary!

30 Weeks

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

28 weeks

I'm 28 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 28 Weeks 4 days (80 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a head of cauliflower
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained 15 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I finally went shopping and I was pleasantly surprised at the pants at Motherhood Maternity in Cerritos Mall. I found three pairs!! Also, I made sure to buy shirts that I can wear after I have the baby, too.
Gender: It's a boy and we've finally decided on a name. Yay!
Movement: The baby has been kicking me a lot higher and I've been able to start feeling the difference between his punches or kicks.
Sleep: I've been sleeping really good. Lately, I've been ignoring the urge to use the restroom at night and sleeping through it. Yay! (We'll see how much longer that lasts...)
What I miss: I've been craving a Diet Coke. I think I'll ask that anyone that comes to the hospital when the baby's born bring me a can. =)
Cravings: Drumsticks without peanuts 
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, my feet swell when I'm on them too much, and my gums are more sensitive (all of these symptoms and I still love being pregnant).
Best Moment this week: We painted the nursery and put together the crib.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

26 weeks

I'm 26 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks 4 days (94 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of an eggplant
Total Weight Gain/Loss: eeek I don't even know; I haven't weighed since my last doctor appointment
Maternity Clothes: I need to go shopping!!!
Gender: It's a boy! We're so close to picking a name... I'm tempted to wait until he's here to see if one fits better than the other, but I think we're leaning toward picking one before hand.
Movement: The baby's movement, in the last couple of days, has become more pronounced and exciting to feel and watch.
Sleep: I've been sleeping really good. Lately, I've been ignoring the urge to use the restroom at night and sleeping through it. Yay! (We'll see how much longer that lasts...)
What I miss: I've been craving a Diet Coke. I think I'll ask that anyone that comes to the hospital when the baby's born bring me a can. =)
Cravings: I'm still craving corn... More specifically: roasted corn with butter, mayo, parmesan cheese, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and garlic salt.
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, my feet swell when I'm on them too much, and my gums are more sensitive (all of these sypmtoms and I still love being pregnant).
Best Moment this week: We picked and purchased the crib bedding. We decided on Pottery Barn Kids' Eli's Elephant bedding. It's adorable!! The cherry on top was that I found the entire crib bedding set (brand new) on Craig's List and got it for half the price!! We also registered at Babies 'R' Us this past Sunday (I've been looking forward to registering since the moment I had a positive pregnancy test).
26 Weeks 3 Days

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

24 weeks

I'm 24 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 Weeks 4 days (108 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of an ear of corn. Yum!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: eeek I don't even know; I haven't weighed since my last doctor appointment
Maternity Clothes: I need to go shopping!!!
Gender: It's a boy! We are so close to picking a name. There are two that we are trying to decide between. We are also getting close to picking a bedding. Hopefully we'll decide both within the next week. I knew choosing a name for our little boy would be a task, but I had no idea choosing a bedding would be just as difficult. hahaha 
Movement: He's a busy boy! I feel him a lot of the day, every day. Marcos thinks he felt him last week and Monday night... He's dying to feel what I'm feeling!!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: sleeping ALL night without waking up. I guess my body's getting me ready for all nighters.
Cravings: Ironically, I've been craving corn. More specifically, roasted corn with butter, mayo, parmesan cheese, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and garlic salt.
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, my feet swell when I'm on them too much, and my gums are more sensitive (all of these sypmtoms and I still love being pregnant).
Best Moment this week: Marcos and I went on a weekend getaway (babymoon). We thought it would be nice to get away, just the two (well, technically 3) of us, before the boy's born. Also, on the cruise ship, the baby was moving a lot so I lifted my shirt and saw him move through my skin. Sooooo cool!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

22 weeks

I'm 22 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 22 Weeks 4 days (122 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a papaya
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained seven pounds
Maternity Clothes: I need to go shopping!!!
Gender: It's a boy! We have no name picked out yet, but we're working on that and finding crib bedding.
Movement: Since my last post, I have felt the baby moving so much more.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: sleeping ALL night without waking up. I guess my body's getting me ready for all nighters.
Cravings: It's different day to day. I love to watch Man vs. Food or the Food Network because it gives me inspiration on what my next feeding might be.
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee, have heartburn, and my gums are more sensitive.
Best Moment this week: Feeling the boy move on a constant basis!!

21 weeks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

20 weeks

I'm 20 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 20 Weeks 4 days (136 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained six pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wear stretchier pants and just bought my first maternity shirt.
Gender: It's a boy! We have no name picked out yet, but we're working on that and finding crib bedding. 
Movement: I have been feeling some small flutters and movements but no kicks or punches yet. I can't wait to feel a good punch or kick!!!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: sleeping ALL night without waking up. I guess my body's getting me ready for all nighters.
Cravings: It's different day to day. I love to watch Man vs. Food or the Food Network because it gives me inspiration on what my next feeding might be.
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee and have heartburn almost every day.
Best Moment this week: I've been feeling the baby move a lot more, especially at night in bed or in the morning when I wake.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

18 weeks

I'm 18 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks 4 days (150 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a sweet potato
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained five pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wear stretchier pants and just bought my first maternity shirt.
Gender: For three weeks (after three different techs told us what we were having) we thought we were have a girl. On Monday night I visited a Kaiser ultrasound tech for my midtrimester scan and she revealed that we were indeed having a B O Y! We were shocked but pleasantly surprised!
Movement: I have been feeling some small flutters and movements but no kicks or punches yet. I can't wait to feel a good punch or kick!!!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: sleeping ALL night without waking up. I guess my body's getting me ready for all nighters.
Cravings: PIZZA! We just tried the Freshetta Naturally Rising Pizza and it was the best frozen pizza I've ever had!!
Symptoms: I feel a more frequent need to pee and have heartburn more than a few times a week.
Best Moment this week: Finding out the "real" gender of our little baby!!!!

17 weeks

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

16 weeks

I'm 16 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 16 Weeks 4 days (164 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a large avocado
Total Weight Gain/Loss: gained three pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wear stretchier pants, but haven't purchased any maternity clothes.
Gender: We know what we're having and we're having a gender reveal party this Friday night!! Boy or Girl?
Movement: I have been feeling some small flutters and movements, but wonder if it's gas... I think it's baby!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: sleeping ALL night without waking up. I guess my body's getting me ready for all nighters
Cravings: OJ (I have to lessen my intake of juice, too much sugar) and PBJ sandwiches
Symptoms: My 1st trimester symptoms have subsided. I still feel a more frequent need to pee.
Best Moment this week: Finding out the gender, seeing the baby "blow kisses," and I'm starting to pop!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

14 weeks

I'm 14 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 14 Weeks 4 days (178 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a lemon
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I didn't weigh this week, but last week I was down 3 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I wear stretchier pants, but haven't purchased any maternity clothes.
Gender: We have an appointment on Sunday. I can't wait to find out!!
Movement: Nothing yet
Sleep: I wake up once a night to go to the bathroom and have been able to fall right back to sleep.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and Diet Coke
Cravings: Orange juice, lil' cuties, and dare I say, HOT DOGS (I haven't been allowing myself that particular craving often, but they are on my mind alot)
Symptoms: My 1st trimester symptoms have subsided. I still feel a more frequent need to pee.
Best Moment this week: Getting my hair done, finally!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

13 weeks

I'm 13 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 13 Weeks 4 days (185 days until my due date)
Size of baby: Baby Ortiz is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 3 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I wear stretchier pants, but haven't purchased any maternity clothes.
Gender: We have an appointment on January 23rd. I can't wait to find out!!
Movement: Nothing yet
Sleep: I wake up once a night to go to the bathroom and have a hard time falling back to sleep.
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach
Cravings: Orange juice and lil' cuties 
Symptoms: My 1st trimester symptoms have subsided. I still feel a more frequent need to pee.
Best Moment this week: Seeing the baby's profile and seeing it move its arms and legs.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

oooh baby baby

After a long, windy, and difficult road, we are expecting our first baby on July 16th. I'm almost in my 2nd trimester (12 wks. 4 days) and so excited to be over that hump of my pregnancy. It has been sooooo easy thus far and I'm in love with the idea that there is a little piece of Marcos and myself growing inside of me. I'm hoping it has little girl parts, but I know no matter what the sex of the baby, I'm so thrilled that I can finally join thee most sacred club!!!