My fifth graders and I had a great time; a real educational learning experience. It brought back so many good memories from my childhood. The whole trip was so nostalgic for me. I could picture myself, my mom, and my sisters way back in the "good ol' days." I climbed bible peak, the same path I climbed 20 years ago. Walked through the same cabins I slept in as a child. Ate in the same "mess hall..." (I could go on and on).
I came home tired but am now, more than ever, excited for the wedding. My bridemaids were busy with dress shopping and found this
I love it!

My bff and bridesmaid, Kim, (with help from her sister and hubby) made my bridal shower invitations and did a gorgeous job! I absolutely adore them!
sounds like you had a great time!!! so glad you love the dress <3